Real estate broker: tools for better results with brokerage

CASAFARI's products for Brokers

The job of a real estate broker is not an easy one. Among many other tasks, they are in charge of deciding the direction of the business to ensure a high performance that leads to profit.

Meaning, they have to make sure that the agents have the right technological tools to do their best work, that the company is growing at the desired rate, that it’s expanding to profitable areas of the market and that the business is healthy in the long-term.

In order to do so, they can count with many of our products to provide real-time real estate data that ensures data-driven decisions. Let’s see which are recommended for optimising the real estate brokerage.

CASAFARI Market Analytics: understand the market to boost your business

In this area of our real estate software, you will find information about the stock availability, time spent on the market, average asking prices and price distribution according to each asset class, the price distribution per market, as well as a time series that shows how the market is behaving throughout time

Meaning, your real estate brokerage will be able to work with a complete overview of the market, both to analyse the areas in which your business is present and to study your next steps.

CASAFARI Market Analytics: follow the property market trends

The data provided by Market Analytics is useful for the real estate broker to accomplish many different tasks, such as:

  • Making strategic decisions for the business, such as hiring more people, expanding with new agencies and more,
  • Performing consultancy services, helping investors with their business decisions,
  • Qualifying their buyers, providing them an overall perspective on a specific market,
  • Boosting their content marketing through email marketing campaigns and social media content.

Whether you need a hand in matters directly related to the services provided by your company or to increase its performance, CASAFARI Market Analytics is the answer to getting insights for your real estate brokerage as a whole.

CASAFARI Alerts: keep an eye out for the competition

With our Alerts tool, the real estate broker can set notifications to be aware of new properties that enter the market or changes in the same area in which their agency is located.

These Alerts allow them to follow their competitors and check on their performance (which agencies are getting more properties in the same area), this way they know when to push their team, establish new goals or in which areas the company should focus new efforts.

Also, the notifications help with the real estate brokerage by monitoring potential exclusivity breaches with properties in your portfolio, in order for your agents to act on it to be sure no contractual rules are broken.

Gather more property leads with CASAFARI: get to know Alerts

Market Reports: real estate brokerage based on data

Among all the market reports that CASAFARI provides, three of them are especially useful for brokers to make data-driven decisions that can push their business forward. 

Agents report

This report provides a list of all the professionals that work on a specific area and their contact information. It helps the real estate broker with team management, especially when they need to hire to expand to a new market, as well as makes it easier to start collaborations among professionals.

Benchmarking report

This report is useful for the real estate broker to understand the competition and a market before launching a new business. You will see which competitors are present in that area, as well as data about:

  • Properties per month,
  • How many active, new, sold or off-market properties,
  • Price changes for properties of the top 10 agencies,
  • Market share and year-over-year growth,
  • Market size,
  • Estimated market value,
  • Average sales price.

CASAFARI’s Market Reports: the way to data-driven decisions

Advanced Market Analytics

If you want to dig deeper in a market, you can ask for a tailor-made report that brings you specific information, such as where in the city there are more properties being put on the market or the areas in which the yields are higher.

CASAFARI CRM: monitoring performance and stimulating new business opportunities

In order to keep an eye on the performance of your agents and the business itself, you can rely on CASAFARI CRM. Our tool allows the creation of sales funnels and profiles for contacts, so you can see how many clients the agents are dealing with, in which stage of the sales process each client is and since when each deal is running.

Meaning that you can understand how fast your agents are able to turn leads into solved deals.

Real estate management with CASAFARI CRM

But, as you know, a big part of keeping a business going is related to attracting new clients to ensure the revenue for the next months. And this is where CASAFARI GO comes in handy.

This feature of CASAFARI CRM gamified the process of prospecting for portfolio growth. The agents know which routes to follow close to them to approach more potential clients and automatically log all the information about their prospection efforts inside our crm, while the real estate broker can:

  • see statistics about how many business opportunities were created,
  • which professionals in your team were more effective,
  • filter for a certain time frame,
  • understand where the opportunities were.

So, CASAFARI GO is not only a helpful stimulus to increase prospection efforts on your team, but also to ensure the health of your business in the long-term.

CASAFARI GO: Real estate prospecting made easier

Summing up, CASAFARI provides many different ways for the real estate broker to keep their business going with the best results possible, all thanks to inputs from the largest real estate database in Europe. Waste no time and subscribe to get inputs from CASAFARI!

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