Patrícia Barão, JLL: Higher conversion rate from leads to clients and more FSBO leads with CASAFARI

Patrícia Barão, JLL Group

She’s been the Head of Residential at JLL for 7 years, a group present in Portugal for the past 25. Patrícia Barão is someone you cannot mention when you talk about the Portuguese real estate market, ever since when Comporta was a paradisiac desert. Working with CASAFARI, she highlights gains such as the higher conversion rates from leads to clients and more FSBO contacts. The growth in the exclusive portfolio is also significant, surpassing 70%.

When asked about what she values most in CASAFARI’s real estate software, she said “viewing the market evolution and all properties available in each area, at each moment”. Patrícia Barão also highlighted “the easy way in which you can work in growing your portfolio (respecting the market’s ethical behaviours)” and how easy it is to find “the best property for our client’s needs”.

2022 could be the best year yet for JLL, with the support of CASAFARI

The Head of Residential affirms that 2021 was the best year in business that JLL’s team had ever seen, especially in the residential segment. “A year that broke records at all levels, from the revenue to sold units. This is very important for us because we work with upper-middle/upper classes and these are results of our everyday hard work”. 

Results that CASAFARI is proud to be boosting. The first trimester of 2022 was the best yet for JLL, 23% above the same period of 2021. “I believe that 2022 will be our best year, I’m confident that we will break last year’s records”, reassures Patrícia Barão. 

About the 25 years of JLL in Portugal, she makes an extraordinary reflection. “Not even in my dreams could I imagine that the business was gonna go that well. We started the residential department with only 5 people in 2015 and today we’re 170. It’s unbelievable what we have been doing We started working solely in Lisbon and, now, we have agencies also in Cascais, Porto, Comporta, Oeiras and we’re about to open one in Algarve”, told us Patrícia Barão.

Efficient time management, made easy by CASAFARI 

How can someone manage a team and so much logistics? “By investing their time in a smart way. Here also enters CASAFARI, representing without a doubt a daily help in saving time”. Everyday, the property search, CASAFARI’s alerts and the Property Valuation are features most used by JLL’s team.

Basides the results achieved, Patrícia tells us that her biggest challenge is to keep the whole team motivated, working at a full capacity and happy, so everyday they can give their best. “I lead the team with a strong intuition and a genuine care for the people that work alongside me, because I feel this is a team effort and alone I’m not enough. I value the work of each team member very much”, she reinforces. 

In order to get ready for leadership, yoga and meditation are non-negotiable activities for Patrícia. She  says: “I use them in my favor to choose the right thoughts and balance myself, they bring us clairvoyance”.

Portugal continues to stand out for its quality of life

In the words of JLL’s Head of Residential, Portugal benefited from the post-pandemic scenario because the country “offers extraordinary conditions to live. And this is a trait increasingly valued by our international clients”. 

If in 2019 JLL counted with around 60% of international clients and 40% of the ration was composed nationally, the percentages have now been inverted. “The national market is dominating our sales, even with the international market growing at a fast pace”. 

Patrícia believes that these numbers are going to change by the end of 2022 due to the attention that the country is receiving. “The pandemic showed that we can keep working remotely as good – or even better – as in the office and it brought many digital nomads to Portugal”, clarifies the Head of Residential of JLL.

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