New customisation options for your property valuation report

CMA - customising valuation reports

CASAFARI is ever evolving to provide the best quality data and products to our clients. So, without further ado, it’s time for us to talk about the three new features that will allow you to make each property valuation report even more your own. 

A different valuation report to each client

Not all information is useful to every client, right? If you need to show a potential client that there’s room to raise the asking price for their property, then probably the estimated prices provided by CASAFARI and the list of comparable real estate with higher prices are very important for you.

On the other hand, imagine you have reason to believe that decreasing the asking price is not only the right way to sell a property faster, but something needed: the property is overpriced and it’s been for sale for too long. In this case, you probably would want to put the “time on the market” chart as a highlight of your valuation report, so your client sees how many days properties such as theirs usually spend on the market on average.

Due to this reason, now, besides being able to choose which kind of content you wish to show your client, you can also define the order the information should be presented on your valuation reports. You can prioritise what’s relevant to each client individually, making your valuation reports truly customised.

Choosing the order of the content inside your property valuation report

In order to organise the content of your report, simply click and drag each piece of content to reposition and highlight what’s most important according to your needs. It’s that simple!

Looking for an online property valuation that’s trustworthy and done in seconds?

Allow your clients to remember you

If a client is looking for an estate agent to sell their property or to find the home of their dreams, there are two things they will look for: credibility and a friendly face they can rely on. But how to make sure your face is remembered when most communication nowadays is through emails and messages?

By giving them a chance to see you, of course!

You can now choose which photo you want on each of your valuation reports and add it to the document at the moment you’re creating it. Different photos can be used with different clients, depending on how you want to present yourself.

Having your image on the property valuation report not only helps increase the recognition of the estate agent, but also enhances the trust between client and professional, since people will be able to put a face to the agent who’s been talking to them.

contact info and photo fields in the property valuation report

In order to make your photo stand out, make sure that it looks professional, choose to pose in an inviting way and don’t forget to smile!

How CASAFARI’s market analysis helps estate agents sell more and faster

A property valuation report that makes your agency recognisable

When someone sees the name of your estate agency, its logo and its colours repeatedly, it’s only natural that they start to get used to this identity. Everytime they are impacted by your communication efforts through your website, a brochure, your social media channels, an email campaign and a valuation report, for example, it helps reinforcing your branding.

After a while, this visual identity becomes well-established in the minds of your customers, making sure they instantly recognise the company when exposed to your branding. This builds trust, enhances your credibility, increases the awareness of your brand and can even lead to higher conversion rates.

Colour picker, for agents to put their branding into their property valuation reports

That’s why now you can personalise your valuation reports inside CASAFARI with the main colour of your estate agency’s brand identity, as well as with its logo. The colour of your choice will be present throughout the whole document and making sure your company is remembered.

And if you don’t want to add the colour every time a new valuation report is created, the administrator of your account can set it for the whole company on the company profile.

Wait no more: log in to CASAFARI and create a new property valuation report for your client right now! Don’t have access to CASAFARI yet? Subscribe right now and start working with the all-in-one real estate software to win clients and invest at scale! 

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How to valuate a property with CASAFARI

Whether you’re a real estate agent, investor, or property owner, understanding a property’s true market value is essential for making informed decisions. Valuating a property incorrectly can