Export property listings to many portals at once with Feedcruncher

Feedcruncher, CASAFARI's product to export property listings to many property portals at once

Want to have your listings advertised in over 100 national and international property portals in no time? This is a job for Feedcruncher, a product designed to work for you, speeding up the process of advertising your property portfolio while you focus on more important tasks.

Here are 3 good reasons for you to add this tool to your daily routine.

Why you should export your property listings with Feedcruncher

1. It saves a lot of time and effort on your daily tasks

Imagine having to upload the same photos, description and details 20, 30, 40 times over to list a property in various property portals. It’s not only exhausting, but it’s also time consuming, since each website has its own perks and specificities.

And we know that if there’s something that estate agents lack is free time, right? No wonder why these professionals end up giving up and focusing on just a few property portals to advertise their portfolios.

But the truth is that publishing your property listings can become much easier if you can use technology in your favour. With Feedcruncher, you get to automatically export a real estate from your property portfolio to many portals at once, reducing exponentially the time you spend with this task.

By using Feedcruncher, you need to write your listing only once to sell your property in real estate portals such as Idealista, Imovirtual, Kyero, Zoopla, James Edition, ListGlobally and more. This way, instead of wasting your precious time registering the same property listing across multiple platforms, you can use it to:

  • follow-up with current leads;
  • strategise how to increase your revenues;
  • study the market you’ve specialised in;
  • enhance other prospecting efforts and much more!

Don’t forget to create a listing description that’s complete, persuasive and interesting. Other than that, enjoy your free time! 

Property listing description: best practices and must haves

Boost your real estate deals with Feedcruncher!

2. You will reach a broader range of potential clients

In order to increase their revenues, one thing is crucial for estate agents: finding out how to sell the property of their client faster. And one way of raising the odds of selling properties faster is to expose them to a bigger audience.

You can count on Feedcruncher for this mission! By spreading your property listings across many different portals, you reach not only a broader range of potential clients, but one that’s more diverse too. You will achieve people that are looking for different types of properties, with different purchasing capabilities and different needs.

Meaning: you gather more leads and enhance the chances of having buyers for the many pieces of real estate in your property portfolio. 

3. You will advertise your property listings to international buyers

Speaking of reaching a broader audience, another benefit of working with Feedcruncher is being able to advertise your property listing to an international clientele. Your portfolio will be seen by foreign buyers and property investors with potentially a higher purchasing power, which amplifies your chances of selling and speeds up the sales process.

And there’s more: you can opt to have automatic translations added to your Feedcruncher, to ensure that your property listings are understood in all the countries you wish to sell your property online. It’s really that easy!

Are you ready to amplify your audience, enhance your results and increase your commissions of sales? Subscribe now to work more efficiently in the real estate sector with Feedcruncher!

Boost your real estate deals with Feedcruncher!

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