3 reasons for you to offer a virtual tour on your property listings

CRM Virtual Tour - EN

An image is worth a thousand words for sure, but seeing a property from one angle and seeing it through an immersive experience can impact potential buyers in totally different ways, right? That’s why a good virtual tour has the potential to arouse the interest in a listed property, making home buyers even more inclined to buy it.

So, without further ado, let’s see the reasons why you should invest your time in creating virtual tours and how to find them inside CASAFARI CRM.

1. You’ll be able to reach international property investors

A research made by ListGlobally in 2021 with 700 property investors from France, Portugal, the USA, the UK, Germany and Switzerland concluded that Portugal (38.6%) and Spain (35.9%) were the countries in which foreign homebuyers were more interested in investing. 

Another interesting find was that they rely on web content, searching online for interesting properties.They tend to prefer those that offer convenient features to help their research and pointed to the need for more information about the properties as one of their pain points.

And you know what could be a convenient way of offering more details about a property? Yes, you guessed it: a virtual tour!Whether it’s with CASAFARI CRM or through Feedcruncher, once you export your property listings to portals that allow virtual tours, you provide a more immersive experience for potential foreign homebuyers even at a distance. This brings this clientele closer to your property portfolio, closer to you as an agent and enhances your chances of selling.

Reaching international property buyers with CASAFARI CRM

Export property listings to many portals at once with Feedcruncher

2. You’ll show the property to people that aren’t able to visit in person

Imagine a person that’s moving from one part of the country to another or, better yet, from one country to another due to work, for example. It’s not always that these people are able to visit properties in person prior to moving to their new city, right?

And while finding a new home in a new place is already challenging, this struggle is amplified when we’re talking about markets in which properties are sold in no time.

With a virtual tour, a potential buyer or even tenant can see the details of a property from up close, as if they were present in a visit, helping them feel safe enough to make their decision. They get a new home and you increase your revenues even faster: a true win-win situation.

Create your virtual tours with CASAFARI CRM

3. You’ll help people decide whether they really wish to book a visit

Have you ever thought about how providing potential buyers with a virtual tour can even save some precious time on your daily routine? Basically, when you add a more realistic view to your property listing for those that are still browsing for opportunities, you allow them to see much of the property from their own homes.

Therefore, if they decide to go ahead and book a proper on-site visit, it means that they are really interested in the properties. Meaning, the virtual tours can help you filter your potential clientele and only book visits with those that actually might want to buy or rent them.

This saves the time and effort of showing properties to people that would rather have a different disposition of the rooms or that are looking for different characteristics.

Create your virtual tours with CASAFARI CRM

How to create a virtual tour inside with CASAFARI CRM

You can find a section for creating virtual tours inside CASAFARI CRM by accessing the details of each property, then clicking in Media – Virtual Tours. In order to create them, you will need to:

  • add 360º photos of the rooms;
  • set a starting point for each photo, in order to define the first view that potential buyers get from each room;
  • define the order in which the images are shown, to make sure the navigation through the property is cohesive.

The whole process is intuitive and completed in mere minutes, which makes upgrading your property listings even easier.

Are you ready to take your listings to another level? Waste no time and subscribe to CASAFARI CRM! You will get access to Virtual Tours, a detailed funnel for you to follow up with clients and leads, ownerlinks, smartmails and many other features!

Create your virtual tours with CASAFARI CRM

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