Palma is located on the southern shores of Mallorca, on the Bay of Palma
Daily sunshine hours
Hours of sunshine identify the length of the day, which is so different during the year. The shortest sunny days are in December with around 9 hours of sunshine in average per day, whereas, June is famous with its days full of sun for almost 15 hours. It is useful to find out the exact times for sunset and sunrise to enjoy the spectacular views during these most beautiful parts of the day.
Average day/night temperature
Warmest season starts from June and lasts until September with the average daily temperature of 28°C, however, the hottest days are in August. On the other side, cold season is considered to be from November until March where an average daily temperature is around 18°C. Even though almond trees are blooming in February already, the coldest days of the year are in the middle of January.
Wind direction distribution during the year (%)
All year round, Mallorca is known for its windy weather. However, the island is sheltered by the mountains that protect it from the Nordic Tramuntana wind. Most often, the wind (in average from 0 m/s up to 7 m/s) comes from the south-west and north-east of the island, and the least of it you can get in the northern and eastern parts.
Average sea temperature
Sea is one of the main attractions for millions of people in Mallorca, welcoming with its amazing beaches and calas. The best time to enjoy the sea is during summer months, when the water temperature goes up to almost 25°C. Only the bravest can swim and dive on the island in winter as the average temperature is 13°C.