Calvia is located in the south-west of Mallorca
Daily sunshine hours
The geographical situation of Calvia and its low rainfall index allows us to enjoy around 300 sunny days per year. The shortest sunny days are in December, around 6 hours of sun, whereas July is pleasing us with its 13 hour days full of sun.
Average day/night temperature
Calvia has a Mediterranean climate, which is characterized by being stable and mild with an average temperature in the summer of 27 °C, and 14 °C in winter. The coldest month is January, with 16 °C and the hottest is August, with 31 °C. The rainfall index is low and averages 51 days a year, which permits to enjoy approximately 2,756 hours of sunshine. The driest month is July, while the wettest is December
Wind direction distribution during the year (%)
The area is sheltered from the Nordic Tramuntana wind by mountains that are over a thousand feet high. However, some local wind still brings a cooler sea air. It is caused when hot air rises up from Majorca’s mountains and draws in the cooler sea air in its place. It is very welcome on the hottest days of summer. You may also get some windy weather in winter, but that’s normally short-lived.
Average sea temperature
The thermal variation of the water has a range of around 15 °C. During the winter, it drops down to about 13 °C. In the late spring, warming occurs, raising the temperature one degree each week. During the summer deep water layer reaches temperatures above 25 °C.