Capdepera is located in the north-east of Mallorca
Daily sunshine hours
Capdepera boasts plenty of sunshine with the average of 7.5 hours in spring, 6 hours in autumn and 5 hours of sun in winter. In summer, the weather provides an opportunity to enjoy 10.5 hours of sunshine every day, with the most hours at 11 in July.
Average day/night temperature
The municipality of Capdepera, as Mallorca in general, enjoys a maritime Mediterranean climate that is characterized by warm and dry summers, and mild but humid winters. August is the hottest month in Capdepera with the average maximum temperature of 31°C and the average minimum temperature of 20°C. The coldest months are January and February when the average maximum temperature is 15°C and the lowest temperature is 5°C. The summer months are typically the driest with 9.3% rain chance in average; whereas, the wettest month in the region is November with 39% chance of rain.
Wind direction distribution during the year (%)
The windiest month in Capdepera is March with the highest chance of windy days of 16%. The least windy months are from June to September with the average chance of windy days of 4%.
Average sea temperature
The sea temperature around Capdepera has significant thermal variation during the year. The temperature ranges from 13°C in April up to 26°C in the month of August. The average water temperature throughout the year is 18.4°C and the best time for marine activities is late summer, since Capdepera is located in the northern hemisphere.