Porto is located in northern Portugal
Daily sunshine hours
Porto showcases between 9-10 hours of sunshine per day during the summer months. However, during winter when the temperature drops, Porto gets an average of 3-4 hours of sunshine per day.
Average day/night temperature
The average day temperature during summer is around 24 degrees Celsius and at night it drops to around 15 degrees. At winter the temperatures drops and the average day temperature is 15 degrees, while at night it is roughly 6-8 degrees.
Wind direction distribution during the year (%)
The wind speed in Porto are quite steady throughout the year, with an average of 8-9 km/h. The winds in the city can get chilly, but during the warmer summer months it can be refreshing.
Average sea temperature
The water tends to be warm and nice during summer months, with an average of 18 degrees celsius, and the beaches surrounding Porto are great for water sports lovers or simply for the ones who wants a relaxing day in the sun. In winter it drops down to an average of 14-16 degrees.