Cascais is located on the western coast of Portugal
Daily sunshine hours
Cascais, Portugal experiences a fairly seasonal climate: Summers are warm and humid with average temperatures of 23 degrees Celsius (74 degrees Fahrenheit) and nearly 11 hours of sunshine per day. Winters are cooler and windy with the coldest temperatures dipping to 12 degrees Celsius (53 degrees Fahrenheit) and as few as four to five hours of sunlight per day.
Average day/night temperature
Cascais receives the most rainfall in November with up to 144 millimeters (or 5.6 inches) of rain.
Wind direction distribution during the year (%)
Wind speeds in Cascais are highest in July when an average of 13.6 days experience wind speeds of 28 kilometers (17 miles) per hour and 14.3 days experience wind speeds of at least 19 kilometers (11 miles) per hours.
Average sea temperature
The best time to enjoy water sports and swims along the coast is in August. Then, water temperatures reach as high as 22 degrees Celsius (71 degrees Fahrenheit). July and September experience only slightly lower water temperatures and are still fitting for water activities.